sexta-feira, janeiro 19, 2007


Fodasse, porque é que não percebes que quando te digo "deixa-me em paz" isso é a última coisa que quero que faças?

6 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Não sei se vim num bom momento mas

"fodasse não ouves o que ela DIZ!!!!"

Anónimo disse...

Tips to find out, if he likes you

- The cool guy keeps looking at you, but the moment you turn towards him, he started looking somewhere else. This clearly signifies that he is in love with you.

- If the behavior of the guy changes in front of you then he is in love with you.

- The guy is getting friendly with your friends. He is trying to know more about you. This clearly indicates that the guy is interested in you.

- There is another great indication that the guy loves you. The guy is chatting with his friends. But, on your arrival, if he turns silent. This is a clear indication that he loves you.

- When you speak something, he listens attentively. It is another great indication that he loves you.

- You keep meeting him frequently anywhere on the earth. This is a great indication, as the guy keeps following you.

- When he is sitting across a room, he will offer you smile. On the other hand, when your get nearer to him, he would not even look at you.

... disse...

Como te

Anónimo disse...

E de repente, não mais que de repente me beijinho, T.

Letras de Babel disse...

Só em certos filmes é que não quer dizer não...

Anónimo disse...

Pois, depois não se admirem se forem violadas